I looked over this blog today an noticed that its been over 6 months since I posted something, anything.
So I thought I would very quickly change that with a little update on whats been happening here at redIT over that time period.
Well the start of the year was going quite well for us we are still continuing to slowly grow our customer numbers and continue to offer the same level of service.
Over this period we also continued the upgrade to our systems.
We have also been continuing to work on our own Customer Portal, which we have now started actually developing this platform and even though its in a very early stage I’m very happy with the direction that the new platform is taking.
Now, lets look at the last few months.
I guess the main point is to say that we have been busier than normal with working from home just like so many of our customers and as a direct result of that we have reduced the hour our Online Chat is available so that we can focus on either our home life or dealing with the other items that have happened during the night and the larger than normal Support Ticket list that is waiting for us each morning.
One of our Data Centre partners, have also informed us that they are planning to close the data center that we have our Virtual Private Server cluster hosted in.
They have given us the choice of either finding a whole new data center partner that we can host our Virtual Private Server cluster with or we can keep our continued partnership and move our servers from here in Fareham to Telford.
After thinking about the options, long and hard, we have decided to move to our VPS service upto Telford this does mean that our VPS servers will be offline at sometime for an extended period in July.
We will issue a Reason For Maintenance when we have confirmed all the details.
On top of this we are in the process of migrating our servers into a High Availability cluster in our primary data center.
This is progressing well and we plan to have all of this migration completed by October at the latest.
This is the follow on plan from our last lot of system upgrades which we needed to do before we could look at building this new High Availability cluster.