I’ve been trying to find a way of saying this with out using the work ‘lockdown’ but its difficult to do. So I’ve opted to use the phrase ‘Christmas change freeze’. OK, so what does this mean? Well, we always do our best to maintain and improve our systems and services through out the whole…
Category: Uncategorized

Thank you & Goodbye – Sir Clive Sinclair.
I was sad to hear this morning on the radio that Sir Clive Sinclair had passed away. Too many (well those from the UK) will remember that Sir Clive was mainly responsible for bringing the Sinclair Spectrum computer into the homes of millions, myself included. I almost remember the day, when my father came home…

6 Month Update!
I looked over this blog today an noticed that its been over 6 months since I posted something, anything. So I thought I would very quickly change that with a little update on whats been happening here at redIT over that time period. Well the start of the year was going quite well for us…

75th D-Day Anniversary (Gosport)
Not going to be a tech type Blog post this month as being an ex-serviceman myself I feel that this is important. I’m sorry if that by the time this actually gets posted you have seen enough about D-Day but I just wanted to share that both Kerry and I took the two girls down…

Its all about the notifications…
Like any service provider here at redIT, from time to time need to carry out some work on one or more of our systems or platforms. 99.9% of the time no one will even notice that we have done anything as the changes are not service affecting. For example we could add a new bit…

Crypto Currency Payments
If you have been a customer or even just been looking around our site for a little while I’m sure that you will have seen that we at redIT have been more than happy to accept BTC as a payment for some time (2nd June 2016). Well now we have upped to number of different…

Its all about the knowledge…
Not ours but yours. We are here to help you get the most from your Web Hosting and Domain Name services. However, for most of you this is not your day-to-day job. It is ours though. OK so now on-to what I want to say. We recently had a customer correctly setup all their domain and…

Its the little things that count!
Over the last month we have been having a tidy up around the office (I know right, what was I thinking) and we came across a small stash of BitCoin USB Asic miners. Now we were wondering what do do with these as they only run at 333MHz and the overall return in BTC is…

Welcome to our new blog section.
OK, its nothing much to look at now, but we do have a few plans for what we want to do with our blog seciton.