Well I’m writing about Christmas again already!
I can’t believe that this year is coming to an end already as it feels like I was only writing about our plans for last Christmas a few weeks ago but I guess thats just the way things go.
As always I just want to give you all a little break down of some of the things that have happened here at redIT over the last 12 months almost like some form of time capsule (more for my sake than anything really) but its still nice to see the list.
So what have we done.
- Continued to support our local WordPress Meetup Group for another wonderful year
- Finished the upgrade of all of our services to be running fully on PHP7.3
- Added a new shared Database server into our shared hosting platform
- Added an additional IPv4 /27 IP Address block to our Virtual Server hosting (thats another 29 IP Addresses)
- Maintained our 99.9% server up-time
- Added IPv6 addresses to all of our services
- Decided to start building our own internal customer billing platform! (Details coming soon)
Now I’m sure some of you look at the list here and think Oh that’s nice and it doesn’t really effect me, and maybe your right directly but on a whole it does it shows that generally here at redIT everything we do even if its behind the scenes is still aimed at improving the service that you as a customer gets from us.
This has also been shown to us by you our customers by the wonderful feedback we have got from you on some of the review sites out there in the world and with us being awarded the ‘Great Uptime’ award from the Host Advice website.
On a whole I couldn’t be happier with the way things have gone for us over the last 12 months, sure there are still things that we need to continue to improve like our Knowledge Base, and our SPAM filtering service on our Shared Hosting service but these are always being looked at and we are working on them.

Some Time Off
Once again this year we will be having some time off over the Christmas period and we will of course also be sending these dates to our customers directly via your account contact eMail.
So from 1200hrs on Friday 20th December 2019 we will start our network lock down which will be lifted on Monday 6th January 2020 at 1200hrs.
Our network lock down is put in place to stop us from making any changes to our services when we are not at our full staffing strength. This does not mean that we will stop you from working on your hosting or VPS accounts it is to stop us from making changes to our network or server configurations. This does exclude emergency maintenance such as a server failure which of course we will be working on to restore as soon as possible.
Now as the days have fallen this year we will close fully at 2000hrs on Friday 20th December 2019 and open again fully at 0800hrs 2nd January 2020. That said as always we will monitor support tickets but please note that this will be a reduced service unless it is a service interruption issue which again we will be working on to resolve as quickly as possible.
Well I think thats it for this year once more, all that is left to be said is once again for your continued custom and trust in us for your hosting service, we wish you all a wonderful Christmas and New Year. If we don’t speak to you before hand that is.
As always if you have any questions or need help with anything please do just ask and we will do our best to help you out.